New in Commit: Club Billing Enhancements

Enhancing Commit's billing system

With this latest round of billing changes…

  1. Our users can view, add, and remove pending invoice items on a customer within Commit. The user can also create an invoice at any moment off of those and either charge a payment method on file or send the customer an email invoice that they can pay electronically.
  2. Our users have more granular control over creating a misc. invoice for a customer. They can select whether to charge automatically or send the invoice manually. They can select a specific payment method on file and see how processing fees change. They can select a due date in the future for the invoice.
  3. Our users can now view credit balance change history on a customer’s account. It shows each balance transaction for a customer and when the balance was applied to an invoice.
  4. Processing fees are now calculated based off of the final invoice amount after coupons and balance adjustments. Previously, the fees were calculated off of the base invoice amount for a given enrollment.
  5. For meet fees and one-off payment fees in bulk, our users can now choose to either charge automatically or send invoices for manual payment. Previously auto-charge was the only option.

Why make changes to swim team billing?

Many of our customers have been asking for a few new features for club billing. We built these features to offer more flexible financial features for our users. We combined much of the feedback we have received over the past few months on how to make our billing features even better. This will help our users run their swim clubs smoother and answer their own customer billing questions more effectively.

How do you use these new billing features in Commit?

Creating a pending invoice item

Invoicing a member for all pending invoice items

View balance change history

Other Recent Improvements to Commit:

  1. UI fixes for Season planning widget and set bank
  2. Remove athlete from registration bug
  3. Add red/ green dot indications back to RSVP lists
  4. Include USAS registration type as a field on roster
  5. Improve Swim off data for meet results
  6. Improve result read in swimmer matching algorithm

Make the switch to Commit today

You work too hard to be stuck with outdated, clunky swim team management software. Switching does take time and effort but we do the heavy lifting for you. Our onboarding team helps you bring over your roster, family contact information, results history, and website content to Commit.