Dan is the founder and CEO of Commit Swimming. He loves working hard to build Commit into an awesome product that serves real people doing real things for others (swim teams!). While not working on Commit, Dan enjoys being with his wife, kids, and friends doing all sorts of things.

About me

Dan Dingman

Dan is the founder and CEO of Commit Swimming. He loves working hard to build Commit into an awesome product that serves real people doing real things for others (swim teams!). While not working on Commit, Dan enjoys being with his wife (Shannon), his 3 kids (Will, Liv, and Cali), other family and friends doing all sorts of things.

In a past life, Dan worked at a consulting company as an Actuary. He has a deep love for numbers but  often ends up disregarding them in daily life. In work, he is most proud of building Commit into what it is today and is grateful for every customer Commit has ever had. In play, Dan loves being outside and competing in any and all kinds of games.

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Make the switch to Commit today

You work too hard to be stuck with outdated, clunky swim team management software. Switching does take time and effort but we do the heavy lifting for you. Our onboarding team helps you bring over your roster, family contact information, results history, and website content to Commit.